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The Ultimate Guide To Simple Air Conditioner Repairs

Are you exhausted from dealing with a malfunctioning air conditioner in Lexington, KY? Don’t suffer through the sweltering summer months with a broken or inefficient air conditioner. At Southern Comfort Heating & Cooling, we understand the importance of an efficient air conditioning system.

We are committed to providing top-quality air conditioner repair services to our customers. With years of experience, we can diagnose and repair any air conditioner problem quickly and efficiently. Trust our company to keep you comfortable all summer long. Contact us for all your air conditioner repair in Lexington, KY.

Common Air Conditioner Problems

Air conditioners are complex machines, and they can develop problems over time. Some of the most common problems include are:

• Dirty Filters

They are one of the most common air conditioner problems homeowners face. Over time, air filters can become blocked with dirt, dust, and other debris, reducing the airflow in your air conditioning system. When the airflow is reduced, your air conditioner must work harder to push cool air through your home. This extra strain on the system can cause it to overheat and potentially fail, leading to costly air conditioner repair bills.

• Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant leaks are another common cause of air conditioner problems. It is the substance that cools the air in your home. If your air conditioning unit is low on refrigerant, it may be due to a leak. Insufficient refrigerant levels can cause your air conditioning unit to exert more effort than necessary, resulting in higher energy bills and the possibility of harm to the system.

• Electrical Problems

Electrical problems can also cause air conditioner problems. If your air conditioner unit is not turning on or experiencing intermittent power issues, it could be due to an electrical problem. A faulty circuit breaker, damaged wiring, or other electrical issues can cause this. Our professionals will inspect your air conditioner regularly to prevent electrical problems from causing air conditioner problems.

• Frozen Evaporator Coils

Frozen evaporator coils are another common cause of air conditioner problems. If your air conditioner unit is not cooling your home correctly, it could be due to frozen evaporator coils. A dirty air filter, low refrigerant levels, or a malfunctioning blower can cause this. To prevent frozen evaporator coils from causing air conditioner problems, contact us for all kinds of HVAC repairs in Lexington, KY.

In conclusion, there are several common air conditioner problems that homeowners in Lexington, KY, may face. Dirty filters, refrigerant leaks, electrical problems, and frozen evaporator coils are all common issues that can cause your air conditioner to stop working correctly. To prevent these problems, it is essential to regularly maintain and inspect your air conditioner with the help of a professional technician. If you are experiencing air conditioner problems, don’t hesitate to contact Southern Comfort Heating & Cooling for all your air conditioner repair in Lexington, KY.

Simple Air Conditioner Repairs

While some air conditioner problems require professional assistance, there are some simple air conditioner repairs you can do yourself. Here are some of the most common simple air conditioner repairs:

  • Replace the Air Filter: One of the most straightforward air conditioner repairs is replacing the air filter. Air filters should be replaced every 30-90 days, depending on usage.

  • Clean the Condenser Coils: The condenser coils are located on the outside unit of your air conditioner. Over time, they can become dirty and reduce the efficiency of your air conditioner. Cleaning the condenser coils using a garden hose and a gentle detergent is possible.

  • Check the Thermostat: If your air conditioner is not turning on, it could be due to a problem with the thermostat. Check the batteries and ensure the thermostat is set to the correct temperature.

  • Clear the Condensate Drain: The condensate drain removes the water your air conditioner produces. If the condensate drain becomes clogged, it can cause your air conditioner to stop working. You can clear the condensate drain using a wet/dry vacuum.

Although these steps may appear simple and tempt you to attempt a DIY approach, we highly recommend seeking professional assistance from us for HVAC repair in Lexington, KY. While you may be able to diagnose some issues independently, attempting to repair your HVAC system without the proper training and equipment can lead to further damage, higher repair costs, and even safety hazards.

How We Can Assist

Southern Comfort Heating & Cooling is committed to providing our customers with top-quality air conditioner repairs and installation services. Our team of experienced HVAC technicians can navigate and repair any air conditioner problem you may be experiencing. We deliver a range of services, including:

  • Air Conditioning Installation: If you need a new air conditioner installed, we can help. Our professionals can help you choose the right air conditioner for your home or business and install it quickly and efficiently.

  • Air Conditioner Repair: Our experienced technicians can diagnose and repair the problem quickly and efficiently if your air conditioner is malfunctioning. Our emergency repair services are available to provide you with the necessary assistance precisely when you require it.

  • Preventative Maintenance: Regular maintenance can help prevent air conditioner problems before they occur. To guarantee your air conditioner’s optimal efficiency and effectiveness, our team of adept technicians can conduct routine maintenance.

Why Choose Southern Comfort Heating & Cooling

There are many reasons to choose Southern Comfort Heating & Cooling for your air conditioner repair and installation needs. Here are just a few:

  • Experience: We have years of experience in air conditioning installation and repair. Our professionals have seen it all and can diagnose and repair any air conditioner problem.

  • Quality: We use only top-quality materials and equipment for air conditioner installations and repairs. We guarantee your complete satisfaction with a 100% guarantee.

  • Customer service: We are committed to providing the best possible customer service. Our team of experienced technicians is professional, amicable, and willing to go the extra mile to guarantee our customers’ contentment.

If you need air conditioner installation services in Lexington, KY, contact Southern Comfort Heating & Cooling today. Our technicians are available to help with all your air conditioner needs.

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